Announcement Regarding Prayer—November 27, 2012

At the prayer meeting on Tuesday, November 27, 2012, brother Rick Scatterday made an announcement regarding the church in Anaheim’s burden for prayer between December 1st and 21st.

He announced that there will be a special fellowship at 7 am on Saturday, December 1, at the District 3 meeting hall at 2528 W. La Palma Ave. Brother Benson Phillips is expected to share in the meeting on Saturday morning.

In addition, the following four points were presented as “Provisions for Prayer for the Church in Anaheim for December 1-21, 2012”:

  1. The entire church, including all districts and languages, will meet for corporate prayer on Tuesday evenings, December 4, 11 and 18 at 7:30 pm at 1855 W. Ball Rd. (District 1).
  2. All the saints, including all languages groups, are encouraged to pray corporately from 6:30-7:00 am Monday through Friday and from 7:00 to 8:00 am on Saturday at 2528 W. La Palma Ave. (District 3).
  3. All of the saints are encouraged to designate and commit to the Lord a fifteen-minute block of time between 7:00 am and 11:00 pm for personal prayer (in addition to any other times that they may be able to pray). We hope that we will thus offer uninterrupted prayer during this interval. This prayer may be personal, or may be with companions, either directly or by telephone.
  4. All of the group meetings of the church are encouraged to dedicate at least fifteen minutes of their meeting time to prayer.