Announcements—Week of December 2, 2012

God-ordained Way Mini-conference Postponed
The planned God-ordained Way Mini-conference has been postponed due to the desire to maintain the church’s focus on the burden for prayer.

Fellowship Concerning Prayer
On Saturday, December 1, 2012, the church in Anaheim held a meeting at the District 3 Meeting Hall to begin a twenty-one-day period of intensified prayer for the Lord’s move in His recovery. In that meeting brother Benson Phillips read from two documents prepared by the co-workers. The first contained eight suggested directions for prayer for the saints and the churches throughout the Lord’s recovery. The second contained twelve additional suggested directions related to the Lord’s move in North America. Print versions of both the eight suggested directions and the twelve additional suggestions are available at You can also get a copy of the co-workers’ call to prayer in the Lord’s recovery and other materials from that site. You may also want pray with the following verses on commanding prayer which Brother Lee used in December 1962: Isa. 45:11; 62:6-7; Ezek. 36:37-38.

For the next three weeks (December 4, 11, and 18), all languages will meet at 1855 W. Ball Rd. for the Tuesday prayer meeting at 7:30 pm. The first half of this meeting will be by language in the following locations:

English Upstairs
Chinese Main dining room
Korean Prep room downstairs
Spanish 2nd year classroom
Vietnamese South dining room

The second half of the prayer meeting will be all languages together upstairs.

In addition, there will be a time for corporate prayer every weekday (Monday through Friday) from 6:30 am to 7:00 am in the District 3 meeting hall, which is Building E at 2528 W. La Palma Ave. On each of the next two Saturdays (December 8 and 15) there will be a time for corporate prayer from 7:00 am to 8:00 am. The first half of this time (from 7:00 am to 7:30 am) will also be by language. The meetings in English, Chinese, Korean, and Spanish will be in the usual locations used by those respective languages for the District 3 Lord’s Day meetings. The Vietnamese saints will meet in the conference room in Building A. For the second half of this time, all languages will meet together in Building E. Please note: For both the Tuesday and Saturday prayer times, saints are encouraged to carpool due to limited parking space.

2012 Winter Training – December 24-29 at the Ministry Conference Center
Registration is closed.

The need for hospitality for the winter training is greater than in the past.  Living Stream Ministry Registration Section has asked churches in this area to find space for forty additional sisters.  Please complete hospitality forms and return them to the box at the booksales counter or into the offering box.  Any questions or fellowship concerning providing hospitality can be emailed to