
The church in Anaheim enjoys an active meeting life, including:

  • Meetings in small groups for mutual care, intercession, and fellowship in God’s Word week by week;
  • Meetings for sharing the gospel with others;
  • Corporate meetings of the entire church, by district, or by language;
  • A weekly meeting to learn and enter into basic biblical truths and Christian life practices;
  • Children’s meetings by age group; and
  • Meetings for young people in junior high and high school to care for and nurture them in the Word of God.

Here are some details about our meetings:

Lord’s Day Meeting

On most Lord’s Days the church in Anaheim meets at 9:30 am in five districts to partake of the Lord’s table (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 10:16-17) and to build up one another through speaking in mutuality (1 Cor. 14:26, 4). Click  here  to see the locations and times of the Lords’ Day meetings.

Prayer Meetings

The church has weekly prayer meetings by language on Tuesday night. Click  here  to see the locations and times of the church in Anaheim’s prayer meetings.

Ministry Meetings

During the fall and spring terms of the Full-time Training in Anaheim, many members of the church in Anaheim join a Wednesday night ministry conducted by Living Stream Ministry at 7:30pm. These meetings are held at the Ministry Conference Center which is at the northwest corner of the Living Stream Ministry campus at 1200 N Hubbell Way, Anaheim, CA 92801.

Group Meetings

We also meet at various times to enjoy the Lord by gathering in homes to sing, pray, study the Bible, and fellowship.

For more information, contact the church in Anaheim business office.

For information about any of these meetings or if you desire further contact, please email us at