Living Stream Ministry (LSM) is the publisher of the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. LSM has a wide variety of materials in book, audio, video, and electronic form covering the full scope of the gospel, the Christian life, and the church. makes hundreds of books by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee available for online reading
LSM radio is the home page for the Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee radio broadcast. It provides broadcast schedules, podcast capabilities, and an archive of broadcasts on every book in the Bible.
Living Stream Ministry operates two YouTube channels, one with video messages given by Brother Witness Lee and programs from LSM Radio’s Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee broadcasts and the other with LSM Hymns. The content of this channel is refreshed weekly with new content.
Online Recovery Version makes the Recovery Version of the New Testament with its extensive footnotes available online. This is an invaluable resource for those who love the Bible
Bibles for America distributes free copies of the New Testament, Recovery Version.
eManna is a subscription service that will send you a daily email with a portion from the Bible and a short commentary for your spiritual nourishment. introduces seekers to the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and to the local churches. The main page contains an open letter that gives an overview of the Christian faith, of the Lord’s recovery, and of the history of the local churches. The site includes testimonies from respected Christians affirming the orthodoxy of the teaching of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and highlighting the contributions the local churches offer to the Body of Christ. It also includes topical resource pages with links to helpful ministry and polemic materials.