Announcements — Week of March 22, 2020

Meeting Schedule
All the meetings of the church in Anaheim will continue to be held online by videoconferencing. We hope that all the saints will join as many of the online meetings as possible and that none will become isolated because of the recent changes. We encourage all those who are knowledgeable in conference calling to seek out and help those who need help. Based on our experience so far, the Lord has blessed all the online meetings with His dear and cherishing presence and His rich dispensing through the fellowship of all the participants. We expect that this blessing will continue as we make our way through the present health crisis. Please continue to pray for the meetings and the shepherding of all the saints through the small groups for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ.

Distribution of HWMR and Ministry Digest
To purchase a copy of the new The Holy Word for Morning Revival and Ministry Digest, please contact your small group leader.

Arrangement for Financial Offerings
Because of the church’s ongoing financial obligations, during the time of the church’s modified meeting schedule, the financial offerings of the saints will be very much needed. Currently, the most secure way to give is online through credit or debit card or by PayPal. Online donations can be submitted at We encourage as many saints as possible to give online. Because of security concerns, it is not prudent to mail checks to the church business office. Gifts given by check or cash can be given through the leaders of the small groups. Please fellowship in your group about the best way to carry this out.

Cancellation of the Young People’s Conferences
After much prayer and fellowship, and in accord with recent orders given by the governor of California and local health authorities to limit the spread of the coronavirus, we have decided to cancel all the upcoming young people’s conferences at Oak Glen. This includes the high school brothers’ and sisters’ conferences, as well as the junior high brothers’ and sisters’ conferences.

SCYP Spring Pursuit
We are happy to announce the SCYP Spring Pursuit. This will be a 4-week conference, with weekly live sessions, pre-recorded messages, group times, and special fellowships. All of the young people are invited to this conference, both junior high and high school age, as well as their parents and serving ones.
Due to the current meeting restrictions, all of the sessions will be conducted online. For the live sessions, we will use Zoom, a conference service. Pre-recorded messages, materials, and updates will be posted weekly on the SCYP website.
Subject: “Being Watchful in Life and Faithful in Service”
Dates: We will begin this Saturday, March 21, at 8:00 P.M. with a live session, and will conclude Saturday, April 18, 2020. Please register at

Information on the Church’s Website
A new webpage——has been added to the church’s website to keep saints up to date with the leading brothers’ fellowship and with government and other valuable sources of information concerning the coronavirus pandemic.

Woodland Camp — A Training Center for All of Europe
Woodland Camp is a 17-acre site near London, England. It was acquired in 2013 with a view to developing it for trainings and weekend retreats for all of Europe. There is a renewed burden to focus on this crucial project and to support it with much prayer, going, and giving, so that the entire project can be completed in the most expeditious manner possible for the advance of the Lord’s move in Europe.
For reports and videos on the building projects and activities in Europe, visit: Offerings to meet this need should be designated, “Woodland Camp”.

LSM Internet Radio Station
LSM has announced the availability of a new Internet radio station at This new station will play hymns, Life-study of the Bible radio broadcasts, and spoken messages of the ministry 24 hours a day. A broadcast schedule is available on the website