Statement from the Elders regarding Relaxation of COVID-19 Protective Restrictions
Because of an ongoing concern regarding the risk of COVID-19 exposure if in-person meetings are resumed, the elders feel that for the remainder of the month of July all church meetings, including the Lord’s table, the prayer meeting, and the small group meetings, should be conducted online. Attempts to “re-open” have resulted in spikes in COVID-19 infections in a number of states, including California.
Fellowship regarding the Vital Groups
Beginning on Tuesday, July 21, at the end of the prayer meeting the church will begin to read the book The Training and Practice of the Vital Groups. If they have not already done so, we encourage the saints to obtain a copy of this book in either printed or electronic form. The book can be read online in English on and in Spanish on
Family Summer Camp (July 23-25):
- On the Lord’s Day, July 19, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm, a tent will be set up in the District 1 parking lot for drive-through distribution of the family package (song book, song CD, memorizing verse sheet, craft material, and some rewards for the children’s participation).
- On both Thursday, July 23, and Friday, July 24, from 6:30-7:30 pm, there will be a family time for singing, stories, and testimonies via Zoom. The link to join the meetings will be provided through the email distribution list used by the children’s serving ones to contact families.
- On Saturday morning, July 25, there will be family activities via Zoom (more detailed information will be provided later).
Face mask distribution (Lord’s day, July 19, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm):
A brother donated face masks for the saints in the church in Anaheim. These masks will be distributed in the District 1 parking lot on July 19, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. For now there is a limit of 1 pack of 25 face masks per family.
Persevering in Prayer
The website has been provided to help the saints to persevere in daily intercessory prayer. The daily posting and emailing of suggested prayer burdens will resume on Monday, July 6. Those who wish to receive a daily email can subscribe on the website.
Online Basic Truth Meeting
The Basic Truth Meeting for ALL districts of the church will be carried out each week on Lord’s Day afternoon at 3:00 P.M. via Zoom. The meeting ID can be obtained through the small group meeting announcements.
Arrangement for Financial Offerings
Because of the church’s ongoing financial obligations, during the time of the church’s modified meeting schedule, the financial offerings of the saints will be very much needed. Donations may be made either by U.S. Mail or electronically. Checks by U.S. Mail should be addressed to:
Church in Anaheim
P.O. Box 8583
Anaheim, CA 92812
Please do not send cash by mail or send checks to the church business office. If you can only donate cash, please fellowship within your group to designate someone to handle cash donations. That person should fellowship with the brothers overseeing the counting service in your district concerning how to pass the money on to the church.
You can give online using a credit or debit card or by PayPal through This method is the most in keeping with current State of California guidelines, and so as many saints as possible should give online.
A Timely Speaking of Supply from Brother Lee to Meet the Present Need
The Lord has blessed His recovery by revealing His divine truths. We must seize every opportunity to be filled with the word and the Spirit and rise up to go and speak the truths to others to meet the present need. Each week Living Stream Ministry will post a video from messages given by Brother Lee from 1986. These messages are just as fresh and relevant today as they were then. See to stream the weekly video.
Encouragement to Preach the Gospel
During the current pandemic we would like to encourage all the saints to take advantage of the situation to share the gospel with their friends and loved ones. We recommend that each saint pray for at least one person and use the web page to share a gospel tract or video with the needy ones. Links are provided on that web page to share the gospel materials through various electronic means.
Special Offer from LSM Webcast
To encourage and help the saints seize the opportunity to gain more Christ in these unprecedented days, Living Stream Ministry has reduced the monthly webcast subscription cost to $4.95 a month. For $4.95 a month, subscribers are able to watch an unlimited number of videos from LSM Webcast’s vast video collection of conferences and trainings. Current webcast subscribers do not need to do anything; the reduced monthly subscription cost will automatically apply. Those who wish to subscribe, please go to and register for a new account. This special rate subscription program will end on June 30. Please visit for further details.
Information on the Church’s Website
Please visit to keep up to date with current announcements and fellowship. Click on the Coronavirus link at the top of the home page to find information from government and other valuable sources concerning the coronavirus pandemic. From time to time special fellowship to the church may be posted on the website. Links to this special fellowship will be communicated through the weekly announcements
Woodland Camp — A Training Center for All of Europe
Woodland Camp is a 17-acre site near London, England. It was acquired in 2013 with a view to developing it for trainings and weekend retreats for all of Europe. There is a renewed burden to focus on this crucial project and to support it with much prayer, going, and giving, so that the entire project can be completed in the most expeditious manner possible for the advance of the Lord’s move in Europe.
For reports and videos on the building projects and activities in Europe, visit: Offerings to meet this need should be designated, “Woodland Camp.”