Announcements — Week of August 23, 2020

Statement from the Elders regarding Relaxation of COVID-19 Protective Restrictions
Because of an ongoing concern regarding the risk of COVID-19 exposure in public gatherings, the elders feel that until further notice all church meetings, including the Lord’s table, the prayer meeting, and the small group meetings, should be conducted online.

IMPORTANT: Meeting by Districts Next Lord’s Day
The church will meet by districts next Lord’s Day, August 30, at 9:30 a.m. Zoom Meeting IDs for each district are given in the small group announcements. All languages will meet together to remember the Lord and worship the Father. The English-speaking saints will remain in the same Zoom room for prophesying. Separate Zoom IDs will be provided for the remaining languages.

Labor Day Weekend Blending Conference
On September 4-6, during the Labor Day weekend, the churches in the entire state of California will blend together in an online conference. The conference will consist of four meetings. Translation of the messages and the special fellowship will be provided in Chinese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish. Breakout rooms will be used for the blending of the saints in each language. Details regarding the meeting schedule and links to join the meetings for each language can be found at

Prayer Meeting Time
To make time for the reading, fellowship, and prayer concerning the vital groups after the prayer meeting (see Readings post), it is suggested that the prayer conclude at around 8:15 p.m.

Church Address Book Sales
The 2020–2021 edition of the Church Addresses book, which contains contact information for the churches in the US, the US territories, Canada, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, are available for purchase. The cost is $5 per book, payable by cash or check. Please order through a representative in your small group.

Fall Term of Children’s Meetings
The new fall term of children’s meetings will begin on Friday, August 28, for Pre-school and K/1st, and on Lord’s Day, August 30, for 2nd/3rd, 4th/5th, and 6th grades. The meetings will be conducted via Zoom. For more details, please visit

SCYP—2020 Fall Advance
The SCYP Fall ’20 Advance began Saturday, August 22, and will continue for four weeks until Saturday, September 19. A 5-minute video will be released each week for the four weeks of the advance, and we encourage the young people and their parents to watch these weekly videos by household.

TONIGHT, Lord’s Day, August 23, at 7:00 P.M. we will have a parents and serving ones fellowship to explain this pursuit further. Please see the small group announcements to obtain the Zoom ID.

Young People’s Parents/Shepherding District Prayer
The weekly gathering by district for prayer, fellowship, and blending for the care of our young people will resume this week. All parents, serving ones, and burdened saints are welcome to join. Please see the Church News for information on meeting times and how to join.

Persevering in Prayer
The website has been provided to help the saints to persevere in daily intercessory prayer. The daily posting and emailing of suggested prayer burdens will resume on Monday, July 6. Those who wish to receive a daily email can subscribe on the website.

Online Basic Truth Meeting
The Basic Truth Meeting for ALL districts of the church will be carried out each week on Lord’s Day afternoon at 3:00 P.M. via Zoom. The meeting ID can be obtained through the small group meeting announcements.

Arrangement for Financial Offerings
Because of the church’s ongoing financial obligations, during the time of the church’s modified meeting schedule, the financial offerings of the saints will be very much needed. Donations may be made either by U.S. Mail or electronically. Checks by U.S. Mail should be addressed to:

Church in Anaheim
P.O. Box 8583
Anaheim, CA 92812

Please do not send cash by mail or send checks to the church business office. If you can only donate cash, please fellowship within your group to designate someone to handle cash donations. That person should fellowship with the brothers overseeing the counting service in your district concerning how to pass the money on to the church.

You can give online using a credit or debit card or by PayPal through This method is the most in keeping with current State of California guidelines, and so as many saints as possible should give online.

A Timely Speaking of Supply from Brother Lee to Meet the Present Need
Each week Living Stream Ministry will post a video from messages given by Brother Lee from 1986. See to stream the weekly video.

Encouragement to Preach the Gospel
During the current pandemic we would like to encourage all the saints to take advantage of the situation to share the gospel with their friends and loved ones. We recommend that each saint pray for at least one person and use the web page to share a gospel tract or video with the needy ones. Links are provided on that web page to share the gospel materials through various electronic means.

Information on the Church’s Website
Please visit to keep up to date with current announcements and fellowship. Click on the Coronavirus link at the top of the home page to find information from government and other valuable sources concerning the coronavirus pandemic. From time to time special fellowship to the church may be posted on the website. Links to this special fellowship will be communicated through the weekly announcements

Woodland Camp — A Training Center for All of Europe
Woodland Camp is a 17-acre site near London, England. It was acquired in 2013 with a view to developing it for trainings and weekend retreats for all of Europe. There is a renewed burden to focus on this crucial project and to support it with much prayer, going, and giving, so that the entire project can be completed in the most expeditious manner possible for the advance of the Lord’s move in Europe.

For reports and videos on the building projects and activities in Europe, visit: Offerings to meet this need should be designated, “Woodland Camp.”