Announcements — Week of April 26, 2020

Cancellation of the Gospel Meeting on May 9
Because of the restrictions related to the coronavirus outbreak, the gospel meeting originally scheduled for May 9 has been canceled. The saints are encouraged to bear the burden for the gospel through their prayer and contacting of people both individually and corporately in the small groups. May the white horse of the gospel continue to run victoriously in Anaheim!

Information on the Church’s Website
Please visit to keep up to date with current announcements and fellowship. Click on the Coronavirus link at the top of the home page to find information from government and other valuable sources concerning the coronavirus pandemic. From time to time special fellowship to the church may be posted on the website. Links to this special fellowship will be communicated through the weekly announcements

Meeting Schedule
Because of concerns over the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), group gatherings in California are prohibited until further notice. In accord with this prohibition, the church in Anaheim has made the following temporary modifications to our meeting sched­ule:

  1. All small groups should meet remotely via videoconference or phone and not in person.
  2. There will be no Lord’s Day meetings, including children’s meetings in the meeting halls. We encourage small groups to meet via videoconference or phone for fellowship.
  3. Prayer meetings will be held remotely by small group via videoconference or phone.
  4. The Wednesday night ministry meetings will be cancelled.
  5. The young people’s meetings will be cancelled.

Arrangement for Financial Offerings
Because of the church’s ongoing financial obligations, during the time of the church’s modified meeting schedule, the financial offerings of the saints will be very much needed. Donations may be made either by U.S. Mail or electronically. Checks by U.S. Mail should be addressed to:

Church in Anaheim
P.O. Box 8583
Anaheim, CA 92812

Please do not send cash by mail or send checks to the church business office. If you can only donate cash, please fellowship within your group to designate someone to handle cash donations. That person should fellowship with the brothers overseeing the counting service in your district concerning how to pass the money on to the church.

You can give online using a credit or debit card or by PayPal through This method is the most in keeping with current State of California guidelines, and so as many saints as possible should give online.

Extension of the 24-Hour / 21-Day Global Prayer
Please go to to receive an encouraging word from Andrew Yu and James Lee concerning the burden to persevere in prayer. The 21 days of global prayer have been extended to 30 days, until the end of April. If you have not signed up on for a 15-minute daily prayer time, we encourage you to sign up. A daily email reminder will be sent to all those who sign up, and a suggested item for prayer will be included in each email.

The Lord’s Blessing on the Small Group Church Life
All the church meetings, including the Lord’s Day meeting, the prayer meeting, and the group meetings, are now online. On Lord’s Day, April 19, the whole church gathered online to receive a word of encouragement from three of the elders. According to our knowledge, 566 unique devices were connected to that online meeting. Because more than one person was watching in many of those connections, the total attendance was much higher than 566. A link to a recording of the elders’ fellowship in English will be provided in the announcements. Unfortunately, recordings in other languages are not available.

From week to week we are experiencing a higher number of saints who are prophesying in the Lord’s Day meeting and a higher number who are praying in the prayer meeting. We thank the Lord for His blessing on the church life in Anaheim through the online meetings of the small groups, and we expect that the Lord’s blessing will continue to be with us as we make our way through the present health crisis. Please continue to pray for the meetings, for the functioning of all the members, and for the shepherding of all the saints through the small groups so that the building up of the church in Anaheim can proceed for the building up of the Body

Woodland Camp — A Training Center for All of Europe
Woodland Camp is a 17-acre site near London, England. It was acquired in 2013 with a view to developing it for trainings and weekend retreats for all of Europe. There is a renewed burden to focus on this crucial project and to support it with much prayer, going, and giving, so that the entire project can be completed in the most expeditious manner possible for the advance of the Lord’s move in Europe.

For reports and videos on the building projects and activities in Europe, visit: Offerings to meet this need should be designated, “Woodland Camp.”