Announcements — Week of July 7, 2019

Fall Working Saints’ Conference

This fall’s Working Saints Conference will be held September 6-8 at Oak Glen. A brochure with a registration form is available for pickup. The brochure and online registration are also available at

Giving for Oak Glen 

Although the church in Anaheim has met its allotment in giving for the purchase of Oak Glen, the loan has not been fully paid off. We encourage the saints to continue giving in order to help churches who are less able to give and to release funds to be applied to facility upgrades.

Summer Family Camp

On July 18-20 the church in Anaheim will be offering a summer family program for the children and their families. If you have a child currently in kindergarten through 6th grade, please set aside these dates to join us with your whole family. This is a unique annual opportunity for the families to gather as God’s household to care for our children in a sanctified atmosphere with activities designed for the entire family, including eating, playing, singing, and doing crafts together.The dates and times are:

Thursday, July 186:00 P.M.—9:00 P.M.
Friday, July 196:00 P.M.—9:00 P.M.
Saturday, July 203:00 P.M.—7:30 P.M.
The location will be at the District 3 meeting hall. Please register your family to participate in this year’s summer family camp.

Ministry Digest

The church will begin to use the Ministry Digest in October of this year.