Announcements — Week of April 28, 2024

Registration for the July Semiannual Training
Registration for the July semiannual training is now open. The registration deadline is May 1. This is a firm deadline for the live training and is extendable only for the video training. Registration can be completed online, by mail, or in person. For more information, please visit

2024 Southwest College Training
The 2024 Southwest College Training will held be on July 10-14. The early bird registration deadline for the college training has been extended until April 30. Regular registration will be open from May 1 to May 15. Graduating high school seniors are encouraged to attend. Saints can register at The cost for early bird registration is $305/person, and the cost for regular registration is $345/person.

2024 Summer School of Truth Registration
The 2024 Summer School of Truth (SSoT) will be held the week of Monday, June 17, to Lord’s Day, June 23. The sessions from Monday to Wednesday will be local at the Cypress meeting hall, and the sessions from Thursday to Lord’s Day will be at Oak Glen. The deadline to register is Lord’s Day, May 19. For more information and to register, go to Those who are burdened to help with the cost of the SSoT may submit an offering at Please designate your offering for the 2024 SSoT.

    Church Gospel Meeting on May 11
    The church will hold a gospel meeting in the District 1 meeting hall from 7:15 to 8:30 P.M. on May 11. We would like to encourage the saints to pray and have fellowship with members of their small group concerning whom they should invite to the gospel meeting. The saints may make a list of gospel candidates among their relatives, neighbors, schoolmates, and colleagues, and pray for these ones both by themselves and with their spiritual companions. Dinner will NOT be served at the meeting hall before the gospel meeting. Instead, the saints are encouraged to invite their new ones to have dinner with them in their home before bringing them to the gospel meeting so that the new ones may be cherished and prepared to receive the gospel in the meeting. Printed invitations are available in English and Spanish, and invitations are available in electronic form in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese. These invitations are intended not for mass distribution but to invite our own gospel candidates to attend the gospel meeting. No address is given on the invitations, but space is provided on the printed invitations to write the address (1853 W. Ball Rd., Anaheim, CA 92804), and the address can be included in text or email messages with the invitation attached in electronic form. May the Lord use the upcoming gospel meeting to rekindle the fire of the gospel among us and bring many to salvation so that they may be added to the Lord for His organic increase.

    Offerings for DCP
    Offerings can be given to support the Defense and Confirmation Project (DCP). To give by check, credit card, or PayPal, follow the instructions at See the small group announcements for information on how to obtain instructions on giving by ACH or wire transfer.

    Giving for the church in Hualien
    On April 3 a severe earthquake struck the island of Taiwan near the city of Hualien. A small number of saints were injured, but none seriously. More than 40 saints from 20 households are homeless due to the earthquake damage. The church in Anaheim would like to send a donation to the church in Hualien. Saints who would like to donate through the church in Anaheim for this purpose can do so by following instructions at Please be sure to designate your donation for “church in Hualien.” If you give through the PayPal Giving Fund, please send an email to specifying the amount of your donation and indicating that your donation is for the church in Hualien.

    Gospel Trips during the 2024 Paris Olympics
    Detailed information concerning gospel trips to be conducted during the 2024 Paris Olympics is available on the Amana Trust website at Please follow instructions carefully if you desire to participate. Offerings can be given through LME for Bible distribution and other expenses by following instructions at Designate your offering for “Paris Olympics.”

    Registration for Children’s Meetings and Background Check for Serving Ones
    In order for the children to participate in the children’s meetings, all parents are required to register their immediate family, including parents, children, and young people. In addition, all saints who desire to serve with the children and the young people, including those who have previously served, are required by state law to submit a new application and request a background check. Links to the church’s policy, family registration, and serving one’s application and background check can be found at

    English-speaking Sisters’ Prayer Times
    Each week sisters’ prayer times are held on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. and on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Please see the small group announcements for the Zoom ID.

    Giving through the PayPal Giving Fund
    Those who give to the church through the PayPal Giving Fund ( must now make sure that, for each donation, on the web page where the amount of the donation is specified, the box next to “Share my name and email with this charity” is checked before they complete their donation. If this box is not checked, the donation will be considered “Anonymous,” and the donor’s name will be unknown to the church so you will receive no confirmation of your donation for tax purposes.