Announcements — Week of June 25, 2023

Life-study Reading
The church in Anaheim recommends that the saints read two Life-study messages each week, beginning with the Life-study of Genesis. It is suggested that the reading of the two messages be divided among the six days on Monday through Saturday. Portions of messages can be read each day or on selected days (for example, on two or three days each week). Reading can be done in the printed Life-study volumes, on with or without a subscription, or in the 500 Life-studies app (currently in English only) with or without an internet connection. To help one another continue their reading and share their enjoyment, the saints are encouraged to form reading groups (for example, groups of twos and threes or the existing small groups) and communicate using WhatsApp, GroupMe, Line, Kakao Talk, Telegram, or other messaging app.
For the English-speaking saints, it is highly recommended that each saint install the 500 Life-studies app on his or her smartphone (see for more information). A reading schedule can be created in the app to read the two messages on specific days of the week or by reading a certain number of pages each day, and reminders can be scheduled in the app. If you need help installing the app and/or creating a reading schedule, consult one of the saints in your small group or someone who was trained in the afternoon workshop held on June 10. Recorded speaking about the burden for reading the Life-studies and a video tour of the app can be found at
Saints who need or prefer to read in Chinese, Korean, Spanish, or Vietnamese should consult the leading ones in their language for further details.

Prayer Meeting on June 27
On Tuesday, June 27, the Chinese-speaking, English-speaking, Korean-speaking, and Spanish-speak­ing saints will pray in person at the District 1 meeting hall at 7:30 p.m. Infor­mation regarding a Zoom alternative for the different languages can be found in the small group announcements.

Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting
The final Wednesday night ministry meeting for this semester will be held at the MCC on June 28 at 7:30 p.m. LSM will live stream the meeting

Church Meeting and Children’s Meeting on July 2
On Lord’s Day, July 2, the church will meet in person by district in the respective meeting places. The children’s meetings will con­tinue in all districts as in previous weeks. For Zoom information, please see the small group announcements.

Summer School of Truth — Special Offering
Those who are burdened to offer for the Summer School of Truth this year can submit their offering at Which­ever method you use to offer, designate your offering “Summer School of Truth.” If you are not sure how to designate, please send an email with instructions to

In-person Basic Truth Meeting
The Basic Truth Meeting for ALL districts of the church will continue on Lord’s Days, at 11:00 A.M. at District 1.

YP Bible Reading Schedule
he young people will begin a new Bible reading schedule. This week they will read 2 John and 3 John. Details and full schedule are at

Children’s & Young People’s Meeting — Registration
Registration for Children’s Meetings and Background Check for Serving Ones
In order for the children to participate in the children’s meetings, all parents are required to register their immediate family, including parents, children, and young people. In addition, all saints who desire to serve with the children and the young people, including those who have previously served, are required by state law to submit a new application and request a background check. Links to the church’s policy, family registration, and serving one’s application and background check can be found at

English-speaking Sisters’ Prayer Times
Each week sisters’ prayer times are held on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. and on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Please see the small group announcements for the Zoom ID.