Special Announcement – Change of Location for Meetings on June 25 and 30, 2023

Prayer Meeting on July 25

On Tuesday, July 25, the District 1 meeting hall will not be available for the in-person prayer meetings of the different languages. On July 25 at 7:30 P.M. the English-speaking and Chinese-speaking saints will pray in person at District 2, and the Korean-speaking and Spanish-speaking saints will pray in person at District 3. Zoom alternatives for the different languages will be provided as usual.

Church Meeting and Children’s Meeting on July 30

Because the final session of the in-person Chinese-speaking Perfecting Training will be held in the District 1 meeting hall on July 30, there will be a special arrangement for the church meetings on that day, as follows:

Chinese-speaking saints in the whole church in Anaheim: All the Chinese-speaking saints in Anaheim, whether registered for the Chinese-speaking Perfecting Training or not, may choose to attend the training meeting on July 30 in person or online. Please do not invite Chinese-speaking saints from outside of Anaheim to attend the in-person meeting. See announcement 12 for online information. The Lord’s table will begin at 9:30 A.M. and will be followed by the final training message at 10:00 A.M.

Districts 2, 3, 4, and 5 will meet in person in their respective meeting places for the Lord’s table and prophesying. See below for “Online options for English-speaking, Korean-speaking, and Spanish-speaking saints in all districts.”

In-person options for saints who normally meet at District 1:

  • English-speaking — blend with another district in Anaheim or with a nearby local church.
  • Korean-speaking — blend by small group with District 2 or District 3 (contact coordinating brothers).
  • Spanish-speaking — all blend with District 2.
  • Vietnamese-speaking — meet on Zoom (see announcement 12 for online information).

Those who serve on children’s meeting at the Youth Center on Ball Rd — please serve as scheduled.

The Basic Truth Meeting that is usually held in the District 1 hall will be in the District 2 hall for July 30 only. The BTM held in District 4 will continue with no change of location.

Online options for English-speaking, Korean-speaking, and Spanish-speaking saints in all districts:

  • The usual language-specific Zoom meetings will not be available on July 30, with one known exception: the hybrid Lord’s table meeting for all languages and the hybrid prophesying meetings for English-speaking and Korean-speaking saints at District 3 will take place as usual. Unless a special arrangement has been made, no other option will be provided on Zoom for a prophesying meeting. Zoom information for the saints who want to join the District 3 hybrid Lord’s table and for the English-speaking saints who want to join the hybrid prophesying meeting is available through announcement 12 below.
  • Saints of all districts and all languages except Vietnamese are invited to watch the final meeting of the Chinese-speaking Perfecting Training. Translation will be provided into English, Korean, and Spanish. See announcement 12 below for details related to how to access the live streaming. The Lord’s table will begin at 9:30 A.M. and will be followed by the final training message at 10:00 A.M.