Resumption of In-person Lord’s Day Meetings
On Lord’s Day, May 22, the church will continue a gradual resumption of in-person meetings. Please see the small group announcements for information regarding meeting arrangements.
Registration for the July 2022 Semiannual Training
Registration for the live training is closed. Registration for the video training will continue until June 18 without a late charge. Please see the small group announcements for registration options and information.
General Subject of the July Semiannual Training
The July 2022 semiannual training will be on 1 and 2 Kings. The saints are encouraged to read the Recovery Version with footnotes (47 chapters) and the Life-studies (23 messages) as their time allows.
2022 International Memorial Day Blending Conference
The 2022 International Memorial Day Blending Conference will be held both in person in Anaheim at the MCC on the LSM campus and online via webcast, with the first message on May 27 at 7:00 p.m. and the final message on May 30 at 10:00 a.m. Beginning on May 24 the saints can download the conference outlines at Further information will be provided next Lord’s Day, May 22.
High School Junior/Senior Day at FTTA
A High School Junior/Senior Day at FTTA will be held on Saturday, June 4. To assist FTTA in preparing for this day, please register by May 30 using the following link:
Summer School of Truth 2022
The 2022 young people’s summer school of truth will be held on Monday through Lord’s Day, June 13‑19. Registration is now open. To register, go to The registration deadline is May 22.
Summer School of Truth Hospitality
For the 2022 summer school of truth, hospitality will be provided for the young people from Monday night, June 13, until Thursday morning, June 16 (3 nights). Hosts need to provide only breakfast and a light snack at night. Lunch and dinner will be provided at the meeting hall from Monday through Thursday. A sign-up form for those who wish to offer hospitality is available at
Care Packages for FTTA Trainees
Those who would like to participate in providing care packages for the Anaheim sent-and-related FTTA and FTT-MA trainees can find information on the separate handout that was sent to the small groups. The saints are encouraged to coordinate the care packages through the group meetings.
Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting
For the safety of the trainees, only the FTTA trainees and staff will be allowed to attend the live meetings in person. The saints and churches in Southern California can watch the meeting free of charge via webcast at The meeting will be broadcast at 7:30 p.m. in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Korean. The outlines will be posted on the same site. Please do not attempt to attend the live meetings in person.
YP Bible Reading Challenge
The young people will continue reading 2 Corinthians. They will read chapters 11 through 13 this week. The complete reading schedule is posted at
Statement from the Elders Regarding COVID-19 Protective Restrictions
Resumption of in-person meetings on the Lord’s Day began on April 10 and will progress in a gradual way. The elders will continue to consider the developing situation related to the pandemic and will proceed with the safety of the saints in view.
2022 Church in Anaheim Event Calendar
The 2022 church in Anaheim event calendar as of May 1 can be downloaded on the home page at The calendar will be updated from time to time as dates and venues are confirmed.
Online Children’s Meetings
Online children’s meetings are being conducted on Zoom. Please visit for more details.
Online Basic Truth Meeting
The Basic Truth Meeting for ALL districts of the church will be carried out each week on Lord’s Day afternoon at 3:00 P.M. via Zoom. The meeting ID can be obtained through the small group announcements.
Serving at the Bibles for America Distribution Center
The BfA Distribution Center (DC) has moved to the LSM campus. Those who are burdened and would like to be a candidate to serve as a volunteer at the DC can apply at A short video on the BfA operation at the DC is provided at This is a wonderful opportunity to serve in spreading God’s interpreted Word to the hungry and seeking ones.
English-speaking Sisters’ Prayer Times
Each week sisters’ prayer times are held on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. and on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Please see the small group announcements for the Zoom ID.