Readings — Week of August 27, 2017

Scripture Reading (with footnotes)
For a downloadable copy of the two-year Bible reading schedule, please click here.

L.D. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Lev. 16:18-34 17:1-16 18:1-30 19:1-37 20:1-27 21:1-24 22:1-33
The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. (John 6:63)

Please note that the verses in the online Recovery Version do not include links to the footnotes of the Old Testament.

Holy Word for Morning Revival
Crystallization-study of Ezekiel (3), Week 1

Ministry Reading

The Economy of God
Chapter 23: The Church—God Manifested in the Flesh


  1. Why is the church mentioned together with the manifestation of God in the flesh? How is the church the manifestation of God in the flesh? (Hint: EG: p. 199 Paragraph 3—“Why is the church mentioned together…” and p. 203 Paragraph 1—“This is the right meaning of…”)
  2. What is truth and what is the real thing? What does it mean that the church bears the truth, the reality? (Hint: EG: p. 200 Paragraph 2-3—“This church is not only the house of God…” and “What is the real thing?” and p. 202 Paragraphs 2-3—“The church must bear the truth…” and “In the church God dwells…”)
  3. What is the church not built by? (Hint: EG: pp. 203-208 Paragraph 2 of p. 203 to the end of the chapter—“We are burdened because we fear…”)