My Testimony

The most memorable event in my life is my being recovered by the Lord, and being attracted to the Lord by the brothers and sisters in the local church. The living life of the living Lord has taken me through the paths that I have traveled.

I had been seeking truth, goodness, and loveliness. The way my teacher and my classmates loved and pursued the Lord Jesus left a deep impression that keeps growing in me. However, I did not want to choose one religion in a light way. There were many Christian believers in my high school, which gave me another chance to learn to contact the Lord in prayers. I started to seek to know the meaning of human life, but no one could tell me the answer. I had to seek by myself. There was a group of Christian sisters around me, and I attended several gospel meetings. It is God’s mercy that I passed the entrance exams and eventually went to college, but I wandered for several years, and I came to “the end of man, the beginning of God.” As I wandered in pain, the Lord reminded me, “You have a Lord.” Therefore, I came to know that the name “Lord Jesus” is living with power, wisdom, everything. Now I have life, light, the way, and the reality (John 14:6). Every word in the Bible brings supply. My entire person changed. I was twenty years old at that time. Through these thirty years of experiences I can testify that the Lord is faithful. He desires that I will be fully like Him (1 John 3:2), with a group of people to glorify and express Him. This revelation has enabled me to pass through every step in life. Wherever I am, there is a group of people with the same revelation and testimony. All four members in my family love the Lord, the Bible, and the brothers and sisters in His Body composed of all His believers. My parents’ siblings and their offspring all depend on and worship Jesus who is the beginning and the end in all things (Rev. 21:6). There is joy and peace. Christ and the church are our enjoyment and protection. I believe this heavenly life on earth shall continue until the Lord comes back.

We thank Watchman Nee and Witness Lee as our forerunners, and local churches’ diligent supplying of our spiritual need. We have the exhaustless supply of the heavenly great High Priest (Heb. 8:1), and a group of witnesses all over the earth.

Helen Yeh