2024 International Chinese Speaking Conference (ICSC) Registration
Dear Saints,
We would like to announce that the 2024 International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference (ICSC) will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, from Saturday, February 10, 2024, through Lord’s Day, February 11, 2024. Overseas conference registrants should submit a donation of $150.00 USD each person, which covers hospitality during the conference.
Hospitality or hotel arrangements can also be provided for registrants before, during, and/or after the ICSC and Church Visitation. An additional donation of $100.00 USD is required for those staying in hotels. Please note that the donation is non-refundable.
In addition, there will be Church Visitation trips before and after the ICSC, registrants for the church visitation trips should submit a donation of $250.00 USD each person, children 2 years or older also need to submit this donation:
~Period One—February 6 through February 9 (four days and three nights),
~Period Two—February 11 through February 14 (four days and three nights).
Please complete the form at the bottom on the webpage for each individual attending any of the items above, including any/all children accompanying you. For further details click: HERE.
Registration deadline is Lord’s Day, November 26, 2023
An email will be sent to you regarding the donation that will be needed to complete registration. If you have any questions, email: ICSC@ChurchInAnaheim.org
在召會訪問之前、國際華語特會期間和/或之後,为報名的聖徒們,提供接待家庭或旅館的安排。若盼望接待在旅館 ,每位聖徒需加收美金 100元。報名之後若有變動,恕不退費。
此外,在國際華語特會之前並之後,將各有召會訪問的行程,報名召會訪問者, 奉獻款每人美金250元, 二歲和二歲以上的兒童也需要繳交同樣的奉獻款:
請豫備參加上述任何一個項目的每一位聖徒(包括同行的任一或所有兒童)在網頁底部填寫此 表格。更多詳情請點擊:這裏.
Registration deadline is Lord’s Day, November 26, 2023