We will begin with a new book entitled The Advance of the Lord’s Recovery Today for the churches in Anaheim, Cypress, and Orange. Detailed information including the full reading schedule is available at churchinanaheim.org/gowreading/.
This week we will be reading The Advance of the Lord’s Recovery Today, Chapter 1. This book is available for purchase from Living Stream Ministry. You can also read it online at ministrybooks.org.
The Advance of the Lord’s Recovery Today was spoken by Brother Witness Lee in May and June of 1989. Four major items that the Lord has shown the recovery are the priesthood of the gospel in the New Testament, the organic building up of the Body of Christ, the perfecting of the saints by the gifts, and the prophesying for the building up of the church as the organic Body of Christ. These four major items are the advance of the Lord’s recovery today. The Lord desires to recover these four big, crucial, major things missed among His people.
Chapter 1 covers the first item that the Lord desires to recover, that is, the priesthood of the gospel in the New Testament (Rom. 15:16). The New Testament teaches us clearly that all the believers are priests in a corporate priesthood. The priesthood occupies a great place in the entire Bible. There was a turn in the priesthood from the Old Testament to the New Testament in John the Baptist. From the time of John the Baptist, the priesthood is no longer busy with animal sacrifices. From that time on, the New Testament priesthood is busy with the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the gospel of God. In Romans we see that to preach Christ until His Body is constituted and expressed in different localities that many local churches will be raised up is to preach the gospel of God, which equals God’s New Testament economy. The gospel of God is the good news of God’s entire New Testament economy. To carry out God’s New Testament economy is the preaching of the gospel, and this preaching, evangelizing, or gospelizing, is the New Testament ministry.
Quote from page 8:
“I am here on this earth to labor with the Lord and in the Lord so that He can recover the gospelizing by the New Testament priests of the gospel of God, the organic building up of His organic Body, the perfecting of all the common saints by the gifted persons, and all prophesying, speaking Christ into others for the building up of the church. These four items are on my shoulders. I am burdened. The Lord desires to recover these four big, crucial, major things missed among His people.”
Week 25: November 4th through 10th
If you have any questions or comments contact us at: gowreading@gmail.com.