2012 Summer Training Hospitality
Please pray concerning the giving of hospitality during this summer training, and consider how many saints you can receive in your home. Sign-up sheets are available. Please return the completed sheets to the offering box.
Webcast of the International Memorial Day Conference
The webcast of the International Memorial Day Conference is continuing on Lord’s Day, May 27, at 9:30 am and 7:30 pm and on Monday, May 28, at 10:00 am. The banners for the conference are as follows:
with the Father’s nature to express the Father
is glory, and it is in this glory that we all are one.
For the Lord’s up-to-date move, all the churches
need to be in one accord, having one heart
and one way, learning to be in one spirit
with one soul, and speaking the same thing.
The Lord’s move today is for His people
to enter into a new revival through the recovery
of the priesthood of the gospel
in the New Testament for the organic
building up of the church as the Body of Christ.
The direction of the Lord’s move today
is to build up the organic Body of Christ
as the organism of the processed and dispensing
Triune God, to prepare the bride
as the counterpart of the Bridegroom, and to
bring in the kingdom of God as the spreading of
the divine life for God’s eternal administration.
Upcoming Conference and Trainings
Conference in Italy and First Lord’s Table in Rome
Rome, Italy, June 16-17, 2012
For detailed information and registration for the conference go to www.amanatrust.org.uk. The due date is May 15th.