Announcements—Week of May 19, 2013

International Memorial Day Conference: May 24-27 in Atlanta

2013 Summer Training Hospitality
The need for hospitality for the summer training is greater than in the past. Please obtain a hospitality form from the booksales counter in one of the various districts and return the completed form to the box at the booksales counter or put it in the offering box.

19th European Young People’s Conference
This conference will be held from July 28 to August 3, 2013, in Poland for young people 13 to 19 years old. Those who are over 22 years old and want to strengthen and support the conference will also be considered. The registration deadline is June 1, 2013. For further information and to register, please go to: There is also a need for shepherds and for ones to take care of camp activities.

Neighborhood Children’s Meeting Fellowship
A time of fellowship concerning Neighborhood Children’s Meetings will take place on Lord’s Day, June 2 from 5:00-6:00 P.M. at 1900 W. Ball Road. This fellowship is open to all the saints. Those considering hosting or currently hosting a NCM are especially encouraged to attend.

May Baptisms
6th Grader Brothers:
Andrew Castillo                      Ramon Gonzalez              BraulioMedina
Christopher Castillo                Mitchel Graver                 Michael Phanivong
Guillermo Ceja                        Malosi Griffith                 Emanuel Rodriguez
Jose Cuapio                             Samuel Lee                        Joseph Simbeye
David Diaz                              Boaz Lin
Michael Diaz                           Sergio Lopez

6th Grader Sisters:
Emma Chen                            SharonLe                          Ruth Park
Anna Good                              Julie Mun                          Jacqueline Vargas

7th Grader:
Angel Gonzalez