Announcements—Week of March 9, 2014

New Email address for the Church in Anaheim  Please use this new address when corresponding with the church business office.

Corporate Meeting of the Church
On March 16, 2014, the entire church, including all districts and languages, will meet at 1855 W. Ball Road at 9:30 A.M. for the Lord’s table and the annual business meeting.

Bibles for America Table
There will be a Bibles for America table on March 15 at two locations: Anaheim Plaza and Buena Park.

Gospel Meeting and Gospel Picnic
The church will hold an English-speaking gospel in-reaping meeting at 1855 W. Ball Rd. on March 15.  This meeting will be followed by a gospel picnic on March 22 at Chaparral Park.  Further details will follow.

Coordination Meeting for Children Service for the Gospel Meeting
There will be a coordination meeting at 7:30 p.m. at 1916 W. Ball Road for the children service for the gospel meeting happening on March 15.

High School Conferences
The high school brothers’ and sisters’ conferences will be on March 21-23 at Engedi and Alpine camps respectively. The cost is $95. Please note that registration is due on March 9 (2 weeks from today). To register, please pickup a registration envelope marked “Young People’s Activity Registration Form” located by the offering box. Please put your payment and completed form back in the envelope, seal it, and place it in the offering box.

Spring College Conference
The spring college conference will be April 11-13 at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim. The subject will be “The Vision of the Church.” The deadline for early registration is Lord’s Day, March 30; for late registration it is Lord’s Day, April 6. A brochure and registration form are available at the Southern California Christian Students site.  Please sign up if you can receive college students and serving ones into your home.

College-age Meetings
There will be no college-age meetings this Saturday evening, March 15.

Young Adults Conference
There will be a Young Adults Conference at Engedi on April 18-20. Please pick up a sign-up sheet and turn it into the offering box.