Lord’s Day Morning Meetings
There will be a corporate Lord’s table and business meeting for the whole church on March 3 at District 1, 1855 W. Ball Rd.
College Conference
College Conference at MCC in Anaheim: March 8-10
Student Registration Deadline: February 24
Late Registration Deadline: March 3
Brochure and Registration Form
Neighborhood Children’s Meeting Fellowship
A time of fellowship on Neighborhood Children’s Meeting (NCM) will take place on February 24, from 4 to 5 p.m. at the Youth Center, 1900 West Ball Road. This fellowship is open to all the saints, and those considering hosting an NCM are especially encouraged to attend.
Children’s Meeting Singing and Guitar Practice
A monthly children’s meeting singing and guitar practice is held every first Lord’s Day of the month. All the saints are welcome to join us on March 3, from 4 to 5 p.m. at 1900 West Ball Road. Those currently serving with the children are especially encouraged to attend.
Gospel Meeting and Gospel Picnic
There will be a gospel meeting in English on March 16 at 6 P.M. and a gospel picnic on March 23. Details will be forthcoming.