Announcements—Week of April 8, 2012

There will be a memorial meeting for Brother Minh Le (sister Nhan’s husband) on April 14, Saturday, at 11 A.M. at Sky Rose Chapel, Rose Hill Cemetery, in Whittier, CA.

Upcoming Conferences

Southern California Conferences

  • Jr. High Conferences, Engedi & Alpine Camps, CA, April 13-15
  • Southern California College Conference, April 13-15
  • Young Adult Conference at Engedi Camp, April 20-22
  • Sixth Grade Conference, Alpine Camp, CA, May 4-6; deadline for registration is April 22.

International Conferences and Trainings

Review of ITERO, Ghana

From April 9-11, brothers from a number of West African countries will gather in Accra, Ghana to be under the speaking and leading released in the most recent ITERO.

International Memorial Day Conference: May 25-28 at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue, WA.
For room reservations, please call (888)421-1442.
Deadline for discounted hotel rate: April 23. Details are available at the booksales counter in all district meeting halls.

Conference in Italy and First Lord’s Table in Rome
Rome, Italy, June 16-17, 2012
For detailed information and registration for the conference go to The due date is May 15th.

2012 SUMMER TRAINING – July 2 – 7
at the Ministry Conference Center
Registration Firm Due Date: April 29, 2012

Registration envelopes are available at the business office/book sales counter. Fill in all information and return them to the OFFERING BOX. Donation must be included ($155; no late payments, please).

Live training applicants must be 17 years or older. Attendance by young people under the age of 17 is discouraged, and those 15 and younger will not be allowed; please do not apply. Those who are under 17 years old must submit a Release of Liability Form (obtained from Business Office) with the registration envelope; and a Young People’s Registration Form must be submitted by the elders.

For training registration questions, call Helen Chen or Vinsa Hsu.