Prayer Meeting
The church prayer meeting on Tuesday, September 20, will be held in the small groups. After the prayer we will review Message 5 of the Chinese-speaking perfecting training. An outline will be sent through the small groups.
Updating of the Church’s Phone/Contact Information
The church is currently updating its phone/contact list. Please be assured that any information you provide will be used for no other purpose than communicating with the church and the saints in Anaheim. In the in-person prophesying meetings a printed list of the contact information that we have collected will be provided for you to confirm that your contact information is up to date. Those who are meeting on Zoom will see a link that will take them to a web page where they can provide their up-to-date information.
Conference for the Working Saints
The Working Saints Conference will take place at the Oak Glen Christian Conference Center from Friday, September 30, to Lord’s Day, October 2, 2022. Further details can be found at
District Meetings on September 25
On Lord’s Day, September 25, the church in Anaheim will continue to meet in person by district in the respective meeting places. An option to meet online will be available. Zoom meeting information can be found at
In-person Children’s Meetings
On September 25 the children’s meetings will continue in all the districts as in previous weeks.
December 2022 Semiannual Training
The December 2022 semiannual training will take place from Monday, December 26, to Saturday, December 31. It will be conducted live and by video via Zoom. The registration deadline for both the live training and the video training is Monday, October 31. It will be extended only for the video training registration. Registration will be opened next Lord’s Day, September 25.
Children’s & Young People’s Meeting — Registration
Registration for Children’s Meetings and Background Check for Serving Ones
As we resume the in-person children’s meetings in all the districts, in order for the children to participate in the children’s meetings, all parents are required to register their immediate family, including parents, children, and young people. In addition, all saints who desire to serve with the children and the young people, including those who have previously served, are required by state law to submit a new application and request a background check. Links to the church’s policy, family registration, and serving one’s application and background check can be found at
SCYP Parents’ & Young People Serving Ones’ Fellowship
A time of fellowship for the SCYP parents & YP perving ones will take place on September 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The fellowship will be in a hybrid format. The in-person location is the church in Anaheim District 1 meeting hall. Translation will be provided into Chinese, Korean, and Spanish. The donation is $15. For more information and to register, go to
Dinner for Fullerton In-person College Meetings
The 2022 fall term Fullerton in-person college meetings have resumed. The church in Anaheim is participating by providing dinners for the college meetings every other Thursday. We would like to have the four language groups take turns sending food to the meetings. A language group coordinator will be assigned to each group. Each language group will serve once or twice during the fall semester. Please see the small group announcements for more information.
Precautions for In-person Meetings
Please continue to take the appropriate precautions if you have symptoms of a respiratory or other contagious illness or have been in recent contact with someone who has such symptoms. We strongly recommend that those who attend the in-person meetings wear a mask while they are indoors.
New LSM Ministry Books Website
Living Stream Ministry has recently updated its Ministry Books website. The functionality of this website has been greatly increased. On the new site a limited number of publications can be read for free, including all the Life-studies. Access to The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The Collected Works Witness Lee, and The Conclusion of the New Testament is available through a monthly or yearly subscription. Visit for more details.
Young People Ministry Reading
The young people will continue to read Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vol. 3. The portion for the next two weeks will be chapter 1, “The Two Principles of Living.” The full reading schedule can be found at
Thanksgiving Blending Conference
The 2022 Thanksgiving Blending Conference will be held in person in Washington, DC, on November 24-27 at the Washington Hilton hotel. The conference messages will also be streamed online. An information package has been prepared by LSM and will be available through the small groups. If you plan to attend in person, please reserve your hotel room and purchase your transportation as soon as possible. Please see the small group announcements for details on how to reserve your hotel room.
Statement from the Elders Regarding COVID-19 Protective Restrictions
Resumption of in-person meetings on the Lord’s Day began on April 10 and will progress in a gradual way. The elders will continue to consider the developing situation related to the pandemic and will proceed with the safety of the saints in view.
2022 Church in Anaheim Event Calendar
The 2022 church in Anaheim event calendar as of May 1 can be downloaded on the home page at The calendar will be updated from time to time as dates and venues are confirmed.
Online Basic Truth Meeting
The Basic Truth Meeting for ALL districts of the church will be carried out each week on Lord’s Day afternoon at 3:00 P.M. via Zoom. The meeting ID can be obtained through the small group announcements.
Serving at the Bibles for America Distribution Center
The BfA Distribution Center (DC) has moved to the LSM campus. Those who are burdened and would like to be a candidate to serve as a volunteer at the DC can apply at A short video on the BfA operation at the DC is provided at This is a wonderful opportunity to serve in spreading God’s interpreted Word to the hungry and seeking ones.
English-speaking Sisters’ Prayer Times
Each week sisters’ prayer times are held on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. and on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Please see the small group announcements for the Zoom ID.