Gospel In-reaping Meeting
The church in Anaheim will have a gospel in-reaping meeting at 1855 W. Ball Rd. on October 10, beginning at 6:00 PM and ending at 8:45PM. followed by a gospel picnic on October 17. Additional details will be forthcoming.
Fellowship on the Care of the Young People
All parents, college students, host families young adults and any other saints burdened for the young people are invited to an important lunch and fellowship on Lord’s Day, September 20 from 12:30PM-2PM at District 2. Lunch, child care, and translation into Korean, Chinese, Spanish, and Vietnamese will be provided. We ask that at least one parent from each family (and host family with foreign students) do their best to attend this time as we pray and fellowship for the new school year.
New Email Address for the Church in Anaheim office@churchinanaheim.org. Please use this new address when corresponding with the church business office.