Hurricane Maria
Puerto Rico has suffered devastating destruction from Hurricane Maria, including complete power and communication outages and much flooding. Though we do not yet know the impact on the saints and the churches, there will surely be a great need. Those who give should designate their offerings “Puerto Rico.”
Hurricane Harvey
Those who feel to give to the saints in Houston whose homes were damaged by Hurricane Harvey can designate their offerings “Houston.”
Junior High Conferences
The junior high conferences will take place on October 20-22 in Diamond Bar and Fullerton. The cost is $65 per person. To register, please fill out the registration envelope and drop it in the offering box with payment. Registration is due on Lord’s Day, October 8.
High School Conferences
The high school conferences will take place on October 27-29 in Anaheim and Irvine. The cost is $65 per person. To register, please fill out the registration envelope and drop it in the offering box with payment. Registration is due on Lord’s Day, October 15.
FTTA Gospel Trip Need
The airline booked to carry 100 of the 128 FTTA trainees going to Germany to distribute the Recovery Version cancelled all flights. To contribute to the added cost of rebooking please give to the church in Anaheim and designate your offering “FTTA Gospel Trip.”
English-speaking Sisters’ Prayer
The English-speaking sisters’ prayer will take place each Wednesday morning, beginning September 20, at 10:00 A.M. at Robin’s Nest.
Youth Center Floor Project
There is an ongoing project to replace the floor room by room in the youth center (1900 W. Ball Rd.). Work is done in the late afternoon on weekdays, all day Saturday, and after the Lord’s Day morning meetings. Saints who can assist should contact Ben Lockhart to arrange a time to serve.
Thanksgiving Conference
The International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Phoenix, Arizona, from Thursday, November 23, through Lord’s Day, November 26.
Winter Training
The Winter Training will be held December 25-30. Registration will open on October 1 and close October 25.
International Chinese-speaking Conference
The international Chinese-speaking Conference will be February 16-18, 2018, in Taipei. Information is available at The registration deadline is November 30.