December 2021 Semiannual Training Registration
Those who wish to participate in the December 2021 Semiannual Training can register either online or by mail by following instructions at The deadline to register has been extended to December 5.
Statement from the Elders Regarding COVID-19 Protective Restrictions
Based upon our experience in our recent weekend conferences, we are continuing to prepare our facilities for the initiation of an in-person meeting option. As we proceed, we will carefully observe our community profile of new COVID-19 cases.
Reading of 1 & 2 Samuel
In preparation for the upcoming December semiannual training, it is suggested that the saints follow the YP reading schedule (see below) to read the text and the footnotes of 1 & 2 Samuel. This is not intended to replace the reading of the Ministry Digest, the HWMR, or the Scriptures.
Recordings of the SCYP Children’s Work Conference
Recordings of the Children’s Work Conference on November 13, will be available this week for all parents and serving ones at Translation into Chinese, Korean, and Spanish also will be posted there.
YP Bible Reading Schedule and Tracker
In view of the upcoming December semiannual training, the young people will begin reading 1 & 2 Samuel. The parents and young people are encouraged to read together. The reading for this week will be 2 Samuel chapters 5 through 9. For the daily reading schedule, visit
Use of Southern California Blending Center at Oak Glen
During the pandemic the brothers have been working to improve the accommodation buildings at Oak Glen. Until it returns to normal use, Oak Glen has been opened for use by families for family retreats and by serving saints, full-time teams, retired saints, or families who homeschool their children. For a limited time Oak Glen is open for use also as a wedding venue. Please see the Church News for further information.
Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting
A link to watch the Wednesday night ministry meeting live via webcast is provided at The webcast will begin at 7:25 P.M. in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Korean. The outlines will be posted on the same site. Only FTTA trainees and staff are allowed to attend the live meetings in person.
Serving at the Bibles for America Distribution Center
The BfA Distribution Center (DC) has moved to the LSM campus. Those who are burdened and would like to be a candidate to serve as a volunteer at the DC can apply at A short video on the BfA operation at the DC is provided at This is a wonderful opportunity to serve in spreading God’s interpreted Word to the hungry and seeking ones.
Three-Year Bible Reading Schedule
A weekly schedule is provided in the Church News for the saints to read through the text (without footnotes) of the entire Bible in three years. Each day’s readings will require 8 to 10 minutes. To keep track of their progress, the saints can download a schedule with check boxes from
Offerings for LSM
Living Steam Ministry now has a website through which it can receive online donations from the saints: This website may be used to make one-time donations, designated offerings, and fixed recurring donations. (It may not be used to make payments for goods or services.)English-speaking sisters’ Prayer Times
Each week sisters’ prayer times are held on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. and on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Please see the small group announcements for the Zoom ID.
Online Basic Truth Meeting
The Basic Truth Meeting for ALL districts of the church will be carried out each week on Lord’s Day afternoon at 3:00 P.M. via Zoom. The meeting ID can be obtained through the small group meeting announcements.
A New Way to Give Online to the Church in Anaheim
A new way of giving online to the church through the PayPal Giving Fund (PPGF) is now available. Donations given through the PPGF will be charged no fee; 100% of the donated amount will go to the church. Please visit for information.
NOTE: unless you desire to remain anonymous, please check the box next to “Share my name and email with this charity” on the PPGF donation page. If the box is unchecked, the church will not know the donor’s identity. This is especially important if you are using the PPGF to pay a conference or training donation.
A Timely Speaking of Supply from Brother Lee to Meet the Present Need
Each week Living Stream Ministry will post a video from messages given by Brother Lee. See to stream the weekly video.