Announcements — Week of March 17, 2019

Memorial Meeting for Brother Huang Kung Huan
Our brother Huang Kung Huan (黄共圜, Japanese name Eisaku Yoshida) went to be with the Lord on February 26, 2019. Our brother was a co-worker of Brother Lee in the 1950’s and was sent by Brother Lee to Japan to begin the Lord’s work. He sowed himself there and labored tireless and faithfully all his days until the end. A memorial meeting will be held in Anaheim on March 23, 2019, to honor Brother Huang. We would like to invite all the saints to come and remember our dear brother. The memorial will take place at 1:00 PM at 1855 W. Ball Road (District 1).

Memorial Meeting for Brother James Hsu
There will be a memorial meeting for brother James Hsu (許培根) on March 23 at 3:00 P.M. The meeting location will be at Skyrose Chapel in Rose Hills Memorial Park.

Spring 2019 Junior High School Conferences — Open Registration
Registration for the junior high school conferences is open. The confer­ences will be held at Oak Glen. The cost is $110. The junior high sisters’ conference will take place on April 12-14, and the junior high brothers’ conference will take place on April 19-21. To register, pick up a registration envelope, complete the forms, and turn it into the offering box with payment enclosed before the deadline on March 24 for the sisters’ conference and March 31 for the brothers’ conference.

2019 International Memorial Day Conference
The 2019 International Memorial Day Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Seattle, WA, on May 24-27. Those who plan to attend and to stay at the hotel should reserve a room as early as possible. The special group rate is $119.00 plus tax for single and double occupancy. For room reservations, call (888) 233-1234 and provide the operator with the group code “LSM9.” Online reservations can be made at:

Registration for July Training — July 1-6, 2019
Open registration for LSM’s July semiannual training begins March 31 and ends April 23. A donation of $205 by check or cash must be included. Registration envelopes may be picked up in the church business office.

2019 Church in Anaheim Event Calendar
The 2019 event calendar for the church in Anaheim is available on the church website.