Radio Seminar and Training
There will be a seminar for English-speaking listeners to the Life-study of the Bible broadcast at 6 pm on Saturday, August 5, at district 4 (2560 E. La Palma Ave.). Because space is limited, those who want to participate should sign up. Please come early to receive the guests. To prepare for this seminar, there will be a training session on Friday, August 4, at 7:30 pm, also at district 4.
So the English-speaking saints can receive the guests, we are asking saints from the other language groups to help in the practical service—setup, parking, security, child care, food service, and clean up. Ushering will be done by English-speaking brothers. Please sign up if you can assist in the service. Those serving on setup and food service should plan to arrive at 4 pm. Parking, security, and child care should come by 5:30 pm.
Working Saints Conference
There will be a working saints conference September 22-24. The first meeting will be in Anaheim on Friday (9/22); the remaining meetings will be in Oak Glen on Saturday and Lord’s Day (9/23-24). Please make a note of these dates on your calendar. Registration information will be forthcoming.
Radio Broadcast
The church in Anaheim, along with other churches in Southern California, sponsors the Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee radio broadcast on KKLA 99.5 FM, Lord’s Days from 8:30 pm to 9:00 pm followed by a live call-in program from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
Blending Conference Audios
The Audio recordings of the Southern California Blending Conference are available at
Recommended Reading
The World Situation and God’s Move
The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move