Summer School of Truth Service Opportunities
On Lord’s Day, July 15, we will have a Summer School of Truth orientation meeting at District 2 from 12:00-2:00 p.m., with lunch provided. We strongly encourage all serving ones, including at least one parent for each young person who will participate in the SSoT, to attend this crucial time. Some of the things that will be covered are hospitality, the schedule, things to expect, and how to prepare. Registration for the SSoT will start on Monday, July 16, at 8:45 AM at the District 2 meeting hall.
All Districts Preparation Meeting for Parents and Children’s Serving Ones
A meeting for parents, children serving ones, and saints interested in serving with the children will be held on Lord’s Day, August 12 at District 2 at 12:30 PM. This meeting is for all districts in preparation for a new year of children’s meetings. It will be an enjoyable time of prayer for the children, practical fellowship, and mutual encouragement. We will eat lunch together, and childcare will be provided.
Summer Family Camp
The Church in Anaheim will be offering its annual Family Camp for all families with children at 6:00 PM on both Thursday, August 2, and Friday, August 3, and at 4:00 PM on Saturday, August 4. Please reserve these dates to participate in family singing times, family craft activities, games, family park day, and enjoyment of the Lord in a sanctified environment with other families in the church life in Anaheim.
Giving for Oak Glen
Those who wish to give for the purchase of Oak Glen Christian Conference Center can give via PayPal or credit/debit card at the website Gifts can be made also by check through the church. Designate all gifts for Oak Glen.
SoCal Blending Conference Audios
Audio recordings of the Southern California Blending Conference are available at