Announcements — Week of July 8, 2018

Memorial Meeting on July 8 for Brother Walter Ortiz
There will be a memorial meeting for Brother Walter Ortiz from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on July 8 at 1853 W. Ball Rd.

Summer School of Truth Service Opportunities
On Lord’s Day, July 15, we will have a Summer School of Truth orientation meeting at District 2 from 12:00-2:00 p.m., with lunch provided. We strongly encourage all participants, including at least one parent for each young person who is attending the SSoT, to attend this crucial time. Some of the things that will be covered are hospitality, the schedule, things to expect, and how to prepare.

Giving for Oak Glen
Those who wish to give for the purchase of Oak Glen Christian Conference Center can give via PayPal or credit/debit card at the website Gifts can be made also by check through the church. Designate all gifts for Oak Glen.

SoCal Blending Conference Audios
Audio recordings of the Southern California Blending Conference are available at