Young People Serving Ones Perfecting Conference
There will be a perfecting conference for those who serve with the young people on Saturday, March 12 from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM at the church in Cerritos. Lunch and translation into Spanish, Korean, and Chinese will be provided. Registration is due by Lord’s Day, March 6.
Young People’s Conferences
Registration is now open for all the young people’s conferences this term. All of the conferences will be held at Oak Glen Conference Center. Registration envelopes are available in each district.
High school brothers: March 18-20 (Register by March 6)
Junior high brothers: March 25-27 (Register by March 13)
Junior high sisters: April 1-3 (Register by March 20)
High school sisters: April 15-17 (Register by April 3)
Southern California Young People’s Blending Meeting
The Southern California Young People’s Blending Meeting will be held at District 1(1855 Ball Rd.) on March 5 from 7:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. No prior registration is needed, and dinner will not be provided.
District 2 cleaning and Arranging
With the completion of the remodeling, District 2 will have a cleaning and arranging service time on Saturday, February 27, starting at 9:00 A.M. Saints from other districts are welcome to join.
New Email Address for the Church in Anaheim Please use this new address when corresponding with the church business office.