Announcements — Week of December 8, 2019

New Website
The co-workers in Northern America have launched, a new website to address misinformation about the Lord’s recovery and certain critical issues facing the recovery. Updates are being posted frequently.

Meeting Hall for the Church in Milan and the Literature Center Italy
The Church in Milan and the literature center in Italy are in the process of acquiring a property in Milan. Those who are burdened to give for this purchase can designate their offerings for “Milan Meeting Hall.”

FTTA-MA & FTTA Graduation
The graduation of the Middle-age Full-time Training in Anaheim (FTTA-MA) will take place on Saturday, December 14, at 10:00 A.M. at the FTTA-MA training center at the District 1 meeting hall. The graduation of the Full-time Training in Anaheim (FTTA) will be held on Saturday, December 21, at 9:30 A.M. at the MCC.

Mini-conference for Sisters
The church in Anaheim will have a mini-conference for sisters with Brother Ron Kangas on Saturday, January 11, from 9:30 AM to 12:15 PM at the District 1 meeting hall.