6th Grade Conference
The 6th grade conference will be held at Oak Glen on May 11-13. Registration envelopes are available from the 6th grade serving ones in the district children’s meetings. Cost per person is $95 and registration deadline is April 29.
Summer School of Truth
There will be an important dinner fellowship for all parents of 6th-12th grade young people in the church in Anaheim this coming Saturday night, May 5th from 6PM-730PM at district 2. All families and parents are invited to attend. Parents will be contacted later this week about what to bring. All parents of the 6th graders who will be baptized soon are also invited to come to this fellowship.
Giving for Woodland Camp Training Facility in London
Fellowship regarding the burden to develop Woodland Camp as a training facility in London for all of Europe was given at the Thanksgiving Conference in Phoenix and the December semi-annual training. The estimated cost to develop the camp is $2.5 million. Those who are burdened to give for this project can give to the church and designate their gift for “Woodland Camp”.
KOCL Radio Station Service
We would like to build up the service related to our radio station, KOCL. If you would like to participate in this service, please contact Curt Kennard.
Last Chance to Purchase The Collected Works of Witness Lee
at a Substantial Discount
The deadline to purchase the complete set of over 130 volumes of The Collected Works of Witness Lee at a discount of 45% or 40% is Monday, April 30. Those who take advantage of this offer will receive volumes as they become available and the complete set by the end of this year. See www.livingstream.com/cwwl/ for details.