Meeting Schedule
Dear saints meeting in the church in Anaheim,
In response to concerns over the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) published guidelines concerning group gatherings. In accord with these guidelines, the church in Anaheim will make the following temporary modifications to our meeting schedule for the balance of the month of March, starting immediately:
- All small group meetings should meet remotely via videoconference or phone and not in person.
- There will be no Lord’s Day meetings, including children’s meetings, on 3/15, 3/22, and 3/29 in the meeting halls. We encourage small groups to meet via videoconference or phone for fellowship.
- Prayer meetings on 3/17, 3/24, and 3/31 will be held remotely by small group via videoconference or phone.
- The webcast of the Wednesday night ministy meetings on 3/18 and 3/25 will be cancelled. You can view or listen to these messages via a personal subscription with Living Stream Ministry.
- The young people’s meetings on 3/14, 3/21, and 3/28 are cancelled.
During the time of the church’s modified meeting schedule, the saints can continue their financial offerings by giving online at or by mailing a check to 2528 W. La Palma Ave., Anaheim, CA 92801.
Cancellation of the Young People’s Conferences
After much prayer and fellowship, we have decided to cancel all the upcoming young people’s conferences at Oak Glen due to the continuous spread of the coronavirus. This includes the high school brothers’ and sisters’ conferences, as well as the junior high brothers’ and sisters’ conferences. We feel that this is the most prudent decision for the sake of the safety of the young people, serving ones, Oak Glen staff, and ultimately all the saints in the churches in Southern California.
Woodland Camp — A Training Center for All of Europe
Woodland Camp is a 17-acre site near London, England. It was acquired in 2013 with a view to developing it for trainings and weekend retreats for all of Europe. There is a renewed burden to focus on this crucial project and to support it with much prayer, going, and giving, so that the entire project can be completed in the most expeditious manner possible for the advance of the Lord’s move in Europe.
For reports and videos on the building projects and activities in Europe, visit: Offerings to meet this need should be designated, “Woodland Camp”.
LSM Internet Radio Station
LSM has announced the availability of a new Internet radio station at This new station will play hymns, Life-study of the Bible radio broadcasts, and spoken messages of the ministry 24 hours a day. A broadcast schedule is available on the website