Readings — Week of September 15, 2019

Scripture Reading (with footnotes)
For a downloadable copy of the two-year Bible reading schedule, please click here

Luke 5:27-6:166:17-386:39-497:1-177:18-237:24-357:36-50

The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. (John 6:63)

Please note that the New Testament Recovery Version Online no longer contains footnotes and that the links above now go to the chapter containing the first verse of the Scripture Reading.

Holy Word for Morning Revival
Crystallization-study of Numbers, vol. 3, Week 1 (2019 July Semiannual training).

Ministry Reading
Basic Lessons on Service, Lesson 10

The following questions may facilitate your fellowship:
1. What is the offering priest’s portion of Christ, as the peace offering, for his enjoyment?
2. What is the offerer’s portion of Christ, as the peace offering, for his enjoyment?
3. What is the congregation’s portion of Christ, as the peace offering, for their enjoyment?

Ministry Digest
The church will begin to use Ministry Digest for our corporate reading on September 29. These volumes can be obtained by subscription through LSM or the church and also purchased from LSM as individual print volumes or as ePublications (English only). See