Announcements — Week of May 26, 2019

2019 International Memorial Day Conference
The 2019 International Memorial Day Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Seattle, WA, on May 24-27. The church in Anaheim will watch a webcast of this conference at the Ministry Conference Center on the Living Stream Ministry campus. Those who need translation should bring an FM radio. The schedule will be as follows:

Saturday, May 25 Message 2 7:00 PM-9:00 PM
Lord’s Day, May 26 Message 3 9:30 AM-12:00 noon
Lord’s table and message
Message 47:00 PM-9:00 PM
Monday, May 27 Message 5 10:00 AM-12:00 noon
Message 6 1:00 PM-3:00 PM

Southern California Blending Conference – Services
There is a need for serving ones for the upcoming Southern California Blending Conference on June 8–9. We hope that these conferences will be times of blending and sweet coordination through serving. Signup sheets are available in each district. For more information on this conference and how to register your children, please visit:

2019 Summer School of Truth
The church in Anaheim Summer School of Truth (SST) will take place July 22-28. It will be held in Anaheim from Monday through Thursday and conclude with a weekend at Oak Glen. The cost per person is $150. Registration is now open. We encourage all parents, college students, and burdening saints to participate. To register, pick up a registration envelope, complete the forms, and turn it into the offering box with payment en­closed before the deadline of June 16. Late registration is $175.

Fall Working Saints’ ConferenceThis fall’s Working Saints Conference will be held September 6-8 at Oak Glen. A brochure with a registration form is available for pickup this morning. Online registration also is available at