Summer Training
The Summer Training will be held July 2-7. Open registration begins April 1 with a firm due date of April 22. To register, please fill out and return a registration envelope to the church offering box (one envelope per person unless sharing a seat). A donation of $205 by check or cash must be included. Envelopes may be picked up from the book sales area or the church business office.
2018 Children’s Work Conference & 6th Grade Preparation Meeting
To be held at the church in Diamond Bar meeting hall on Saturday April 28, from 9 AM to 2:30 PM. All parents and children serving ones are encouraged to attend. At least one parent of each sixth grader planning on attending the 6th grade conference is required to attend. Please register before April 15 at Payment on site of $20 per person for materials and lunch.
6th Grade Conference
The 6th grade conference will be held at Oak Glen on May 11-13. Registration envelopes are available from the 6th grade serving ones in the district children’s meetings. Cost per person is $95 and registration deadline is April 29.
Summer School of Truth
The church in Anaheim Summer School of Truth (SST) will take place on July 16-22. This year’s SST will begin in Anaheim from Monday to Thursday with hospitality and conclude with a weekend at Oak Glen. During the local portion, from July 16 to 19, there will be many opportunities to serve: hospitality, meal preparation, serving in the meetings and/or during the activity times. Please fill out a Service Opportunities form and return it to the offering box or fill out the form electronically at
Giving for Woodland Camp Training Facility in London
Fellowship regarding the burden to develop Woodland Camp as a training facility in London for all of Europe was given at the Thanksgiving Conference in Phoenix and the December semi-annual training. The estimated cost to develop the camp is $2.5 million. Those who are burdened to give for this project can give to the church and designate their gift for “Woodland Camp”.
KOCL Radio Station Service
We would like to build up the service related to our radio station, KOCL. If you would like to participate in this service, please contact Curt Kennard.