Announcements — Week of April 30, 2017

6th Grade Conference
The 6th grade conference will be held May 5-7 at Oak Glen.

Gospel Picnic May 6
There will be a gospel picnic on Saturday, May 6, at Chaparral Park (1700 W. Broadway, Anaheim) at 3:30 P.M.

Corporate Reading of Crucial Ministry Books
We have begun a program of consistent reading of crucial ministry books, starting with one chapter weekly from The Economy of God. See the “Readings” for this week.

Corporate Reading of the Bible
We will begin to read the Old Testament with footnotes this week and will devote two years to complete this reading.

Memorial Day Conference
The Memorial Day Conference will be held in White Plains, New York on May 26-29. A handout with hotel information is available in each district.

Summer School of Truth 2017 Registration
Registration for summer school of truth is now open. SSoT will begin on June 5 and continue through June 24 and will be held mostly in the evenings. Please see a registration envelope for more details.

West Coast South College Training
West Coast South College Training will be held from July 10 to 16 at Oak Glen. Registration is now open.