Readings — Week of April 2, 2017

Scripture Reading

L.D. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
1 Pet. 1:1-25 2:1—4:6 2:1—2 Pet. 1:4 1:5—2:22 3:1—1 John 1:2 1:3—2:11 2:12—3:10
The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. (John 6:63)

Note: Links to Scripture Reading return only the first 100 verses.

Holy Word for Morning Revival

Crystallization-study of Ezekiel (2), Week 8

Ministry Reading

The Economy of God, chapter 3
We have begun a program of consistent reading of crucial ministry books, starting with one chapter weekly from The Economy of God (EG). We encourage all group meetings to allot at least 20 minutes weekly to fellowship regarding that week’s chapter. Excerpts will be provided to facilitate this fellowship. For your fellowship this week, focus on:

  • Paragraph 2, pp. 27-28 —”In Romans 8:9, 10 we read…”
  • Paragraph 3, pp. 28 and 29—”In the first chapter we saw…”
  • Paragraph 1, p. 29—”In order to locate the human…”
  • Paragraph 1, p. 31—”Having therefore, brethren…”
  • Paragraph 1, p. 30—”We know that God was in…”
  • Paragraph 2, p. 33—”This is why the writer to the…”
  • Paragraph 3, pp. 33-34—”The High Priest had to pass…”
  • Paragraph 1, p. 34—”These pictures will help…”

The following questions may facilitate your fellowship:

  1. Where does the Triune God reside today? State at least two verses that show this. (Hint: EG: pp. 27-29)
  2. Why do we need to divide the soul from the spirit?  (Hint: EG: pp. 29, 31)
  3. How are the temple, the tripartite man, and the journey of the children of Israel related? According to typology, what is the goal of our journeying? (Hint: EG: pp. 30, 33)
  4. What are some distractions from the human spirit? (Hint: EG: pp. 33-34)