2016 International Chinese-speaking Conference
The 2016 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be held on February 12-14 at the Ministry Conference Center. This will be the first of the seven feasts in the Lord’s recovery in 2016. We encourage the saints of all languages to attend. In addition, the church in Anaheim will be giving hospitality to 200 conference attendees. Sign-up forms to receive hospitality are available in each district.
Middle-age Training Announcement
The spring term of the Middle-age Training will begin on March 14, 2016, and conclude on June 25, 2016. The classes are given in English, Chinese, Korean, and Spanish. We hope that many saints will seize this opportunity to be perfected. All applications must be received by the office no later than February 23, 2016.
New Email Address for the Church in Anaheim office@churchinanaheim.org. Please use this new address when corresponding with the church business office.