Announcements — Week of August 16, 2015

Financial Need for the New Training Center in Mexico City
New training center has been purchased in Mexico City, which will provide the training there with a larger capacity to receive more trainees. In addition, the new location in is a safer area and is closed to UNAM, the number one university in Mexico with an enrollment of 100,000 students. The total cost for the building is $3.5 million. Approximately $3 million has been received and a 50% down payment has been made. However, there is still a need to raise another $100,000. Those who are burdened by the Lord to help with this need can place their donation in the offering box. Checks should be made out to the church in Anaheim, and all offerings should be designated “Mexico City Training Center.”

Church in Anaheim Perfecting Conference
The church in Anaheim Perfecting Conference will be held September 12-13.

Junior High Gospel Perfecting Conference
On Saturday, August 29, there will be a Junior High Gospel Perfecting Conference from 9 AM to 7 PM followed by an All Southern California Young People Blending Meeting from 7: PM to 9 PM. We welcome all junior highers to come join us for this very special time. Registration for the conference, including two meals, will be $20 per person and needs to be completed by Lord’s Day, August 23. To register, please complete a registration envelope and turn it in to the offering box. The evening blending meeting is open to ALL young people; no registration or payment is needed for this evening time.

Meeting for Parents and Children Serving Ones
A meeting for parents, children serving ones, and saints who would like to serve with the children this upcoming term will be held on Lord’s Day August 30, from 12:30 to 2:30 PM at 1916 W. Ball Rd. This fellowship is crucial for the beginning of a new term and ask that all serving ones from all districts do their best to attend. Lunch and childcare will be provided.

Southeast Blending Conference
There will be a Labor Day Southeast Blending Conference in Jacksonville, FL, September 4-7, 2015. Contact the business office for details.

New Email Address for the Church in Anaheim Please use this new address when corresponding with the church business office.